Stop Project Maple

A presentation and discussion on the complex relationship of Enbridge’s “Project Maple” proposal and projects already under construction on the Algonquin Gas Transmission pipeline system. (Held on September 16, 2024).

» Presentation video
» Slides (will download a PDF)

» Video of the Middleborough Gas & Electric presentation by AGT
» Map showing all receipt and delivery points on the AGT pipeline 
» Interactive map of the AGT pipeline route. This will let you zoom in for a closer view of where this pipeline system is.

Enbridge wants to expand its 1,100-mile-long pipeline system, the Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipeline. This system runs from New Jersey through New York and into Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. They’re calling this project “Project Maple”.

Enbridge wants to replace existing pipelines, add new secondary pipelines, and expand compressor stations throughout the system’s route.

Enbridge is claiming that this project will be helpful for reaching our states’ climate targets. They cite switching heating customers from oil to gas, and helping address the intermittency of renewable electric generation by being a “dispatchable resource” as reasons for this expansion.

But in the face of not only the climate emergency, but also mandates from all states for the elimination of fossil fuel emissions, arguments for gas as a solution are long outdated. What we need is to double down on energy efficiency, renewables and energy storage to address any times of high demand.

It’s long past time to allow further investment in and expansion of infrastructure for gas and other combustible energy sources.

We are a broad coalition across four states representing almost 100 community groups and environmental organizations in fervent opposition to “Project Maple,” a major expansion proposed by Enbridge on their “AGT” fracked-gas pipeline from New York to Massachusetts. Enbridge is seeking to increase capacity of this line by up to 500,000 Dekatherms/day at the Ramapo, NY receipt point, and up to 250,000 Dekatherms/day at the Salem, MA receipt point. While currently this fracked gas appears to be for electric power generation in Massachusetts, its final destination, usage, or need under the proposal is unclear. This project must be stopped.

The Coalition:

Acadia Center

Ashford Clean Energy Task Force

Berkshire Environmental Action Team
BLM860 (Connecticut) 

Black Infinity Collective

Boston Catholic Climate Movement

Branford Clean Energy Committee 

Breathe Clean North Shore

Breathe Easy Berkshires

Brookhaven Residents’ Climate Change Committee
Burrillville BASE
Canton Residents for a Sustainable Equitable Future

Capital Region Mothers Out Front
Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Mass. North Shore Chapter 

Clean Air Action Network of Glens Falls (NY)
Climate Action Now-Western Mass

Climate Action Rhode Island
Climate Defenders

Climate Defiance

Climate Disobedience Center

The Climate Reality Project: Boston Metro Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Capital Region Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Finger Lakes Greater Region NY Chapter 

The Climate Reality Project: Catskills & Hudson Valley Chapter 

The Climate Reality Project: NYC Metro Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Westchester Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Western New York Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Massachusetts Southcoast Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Long Island Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Southern Connecticut Chapter

The Climate Reality Project: Greater New Jersey Gateway Chapter
Climate Code Blue

Coalition to Protect New York

Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG)

Connecticut Climate Crisis Mobilization (C3M) 

Conservation Law Foundation 

CT Energy Network 

CT Green Building Council
Electric Vehicle Club of Connecticut

Energy Allies

FFF Capital District NY 

The FANG Collective

Food & Water Watch 

Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station

Grassroots Environmental Education

Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility

Green Eco Warriors 


Green Ossining
GTA860 (Good Trouble Advocates)
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

Interreligious Eco-Justice Network/CT Interfaith Power & Light

Jewish Climate Action Network
Mothers Out Front Massachusetts

Mothers Out Front New York

New York Progressive Action Network 

New Yorkers for Clean Power 

No Coal No Gas 

No Fracked Gas In Mass 

No More Dirty Power in Killingly
Nonprofit Accountability Group

NY Water Action 

Peekskill Progressives 

People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE) 

People for a Healthy Environment 

Resist The Pipeline 

Resist Spectra

Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith

Safe Energy Rights Group

Sane Energy Project
Salem Alliance for the Environment (SAFE) 

Sierra Club


Springfield Climate Justice Coalition 

Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion (SAPE)
Stop the Brookfield Compressor Station
Sunrise Movement Connecticut 

Sustainable Marblehead HealthLink 

Third Act Upstate New York

Tyson, West & Associates

Unitarian Universalist Mass Action
United 4 Clean Energy
Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions 

Windham-Willimantic NAACP Environmental Justice Committee 

350 Brooklyn 

350 CT 

350 Mass

350 Mass, Berkshire Node 

350 Mass, Greater Franklin Node

350 Mass, MetroWest Node 350

Mass, North Shore Node

350 New Hampshire

350 Mass, Greater Franklin Node

350 Mass, MetroWest Node 350 Mass, North Shore Node
350 New Hampshire

Green Ossining
GTA860 (Good Trouble Advocates)
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

Interreligious Eco-Justice Network/CT Interfaith Power & Light

Jewish Climate Action Network
Mothers Out Front Massachusetts

Mothers Out Front New York

New York Progressive Action Network 

New Yorkers for Clean Power 

No Coal No Gas 

No Fracked Gas In Mass 

No More Dirty Power in Killingly
Nonprofit Accountability Group

NY Water Action 

Peekskill Progressives 

People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE) 

People for a Healthy Environment 

Resist The Pipeline 

Resist Spectra

Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith

Safe Energy Rights Group

Sane Energy Project
Salem Alliance for the Environment (SAFE) 

Sierra Club


Springfield Climate Justice Coalition 

Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion (SAPE)
Stop the Brookfield Compressor Station
Sunrise Movement Connecticut 

Sustainable Marblehead HealthLink 

Third Act Upstate New York

Tyson, West & Associates

Unitarian Universalist Mass Action
United 4 Clean Energy
Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions 

Windham-Willimantic NAACP Environmental Justice Committee 

For more details on Project Maple and actions you can take, please see this page.