Take Action!

Check back here often for actions you can take to help halt this pipeline expansion!

Sign your state’s petition to Stop Project Maple

Individual states have sign-on letters for local elected officials and state legislators to sign. We need folks everywhere to contact their elected officials, urging them to sign.

— Massachusetts :
» The Massachusetts letter has been delivered! Here’s a link to the letter »
» And here’s the press release »
» Easy-send letter for residents to send to their legislators and the Governor!

— Connecticut :
Urge your elected officials to sign on to this letter.
» Sign on letter link you can send to elected officials (contains link to text of letter)

»Sign on letter to your legislator regarding gas expansion

— Rhode Island:
Urge your elected officials to sign on to this letter.

— New York :
Sign ons completed and delivered on June 17th.

Announcement of delivery of the NY letter from Food and Water Watch »