
Currently, though no part of this project labeled as “Project Maple” is currently filed with FERC, there are several pieces emerging that show development.

Constellation Energy was ready to retire its Everett Marine Terminal (EMT), which accepts delivery of foreign LNG. Local Distribution Companies (LDCs) Eversource, National Grid and Unitil filed the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (MA DPU) for six year contracts, extending the life of Everett until 2030, shortly after the Project Maple expansion would be completed.

This plan comes after Eversource cancelled upgrades to its own system that would have precluded the need for additional supply, as described in an excellent thread from energy expert Joe LaRusso:

“… at some point during the last six years Eversource decided not to upgrade its own gas distribution assets to prepare for EMT’s possible closure, but decided instead to execute contracts that require it to rely on Constellation’s asset, EMT. Moreover, the four contracts ain’t cheap: they’re estimated to cost almost one billion dollars over the six years they’ll be in place. Which brings us to the six year terms of the contracts.
Why six years? That was a question that the Attorney General asked in the DPU dockets. The answer? Six years is enough time to build new gas transmission capacity—new pipelines—into the region so that the utilities would no longer need to rely on EMT.
There’s but one gas transmission project out there that’s been proposed: @Enbridge’s Project Maple.”

The MA DPU approved these contracts on May 17, 2024, after a very short period of consideration.
» Download and view MA DPU’s decision
» Commonwealth Beacon article on the DPU’s approval

On May 8, 2024, Enbridge presented to the Gas & Electric Commission in Middleborough, MA, giving an update of Project Maple and current plans for expansion on the “G System” lateral that extends from the main transmission pipeline down towards the South Coast and on to Cape Cod with westward laterals back over to Rhode Island.

They also mention in this presentation that there will be development to “build deliverability” along the “J System” lateral of the AGT in Cambridge.

The G System portion is anticipated to be 6 or 7 miles of “lift and relay” within the existing pipeline right of way, replacing 12″ diameter pipeline with 30″ diameter on an existing pipeline loop. The Enbridge representative stated that right now, they’re working on getting signatures on precedent agreements (contracts to purchase gas), and that they intend to file with FERC, and the local distribution companies (LDCs) will file with state regulatory agencies when these agreements are in place and signed.

Members of the Middleborough Gas & Electric Commission expressed interest in signing the precedent agreement very quickly.

» Video of the presentation to the Middleborough Gas & Electric Commission*
» Slides from presentation